Monday, June 1, 2009

GM Changes Its Name to 'Governmental Motors'

This morning, General Motors filed for bankruptcy protection.

The arrangement that has been set up basically gives the ownership of GM to the government. When this is all over the government will own 72.5%, The United Auto Workers (Don't even get me started!) will own 17.5%, and bondholders the final 10%.

GM stock will mostly likely be taken off the trading floor for at least 6 to 18 months and the taxpayers will make back the $40 Billion that they loaned GM only if the stock makes a drastic increase in value.


I am so glad that this administration has decided for itself that America is no longer a free market economy. The consumer no longer holds the key to whether or not a company is successful, the Almighty Government has grasped a hold of this key and will protect those companies that are just far too large to fail.

Adam Smith is fighting to get out of his grave to strangle the life out of Barack Obama. This is not the invisible hand that America's economy is based on. Not only are we a free society, our markets are free as well. Or at least they were, before January 20, 2009.

In an article in from the Russian publication Pravada (who might know a thing or two about Marxism) entitled, "American Capitalism Gone With a Whimper," the author tells the Russian people something that is just so obvious to the rest of the world. That Americans know more about the finalists in American Idol than the people who represent them in D.C.

I am, for the first time ever, embarrassed to be an American. This is no longer the free nation of my dreams. I'm sorry T.J., George, and John, I am truly sorry...

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